The birth of Reservatic

Reservatic надає систему онлайн-бронювання прийомів для всіх сфер населення. Кожна послуга має свої потреби. Однією з великих переваг усієї команди Reservatic є швидке та чуйне вирішення вимог клієнтів щодо розробки нових функцій, які покращують всю систему.

 The birth of Reservatic

The birth of Reservatic

The idea of developing an interactive time management platform came out of nowhere. The founder of Reservatic, MUDr. Otakar Lucák, had been sitting for more than an hour in the waiting room at one of his colleagues' private clinic.  

MUDr. Otakar Lucak describes the situation, which led to the birth of Reservatic:

The waiting room itself was pretty nice and cozy, my chair was comfy, and the walls were painted in bright optimistic colors, but I didn't like the fact I had to wait even though I had an appointment. The old magazines in front of me looked like they have been sitting at the table for ages. Why would someone bought and treasured these magazines for such a long time? It is unknown to me. More questions like that were roaming in my head during this time of waiting.

After half an hour, I was desperately looking at the door with the sign "Please, don't knock!" wishing the nurse would call my name and let me in. Several minutes later, the nurse finally opened the door, but she didn't call me name instead she let in a man who just came to the waiting room literally one minute ago. 

What would you be thinking at this moment? I got upset for two reasons. The first, why did this man, who just came in, not have to wait as everyone else? The second, I had one important meeting with a client of mine in less than 45 minutes and I didn't know how long the doctor would take to check "the preferred man" up. "Is it worth to keep waiting or should I rather leave?" was running in my head. 

So, the idea of an interactive time management platform with notifications that would help businesses and their customers to manage their time more effectively and efficiently was born. Since then, my team and I have been working really hard to make this world better and without unnecessary waiting. In addition, Reservatic is reaching out to people who are innovative and fearless of trying new challenges. This platform emphasizes the punctual lifestyle. Within 3 years, our goal is to become a brand of punctuality. Our typical user will say: I am punctual, I am Reservatic. Are you punctual? 

У мене є компанія, і я хочу, щоб клієнти замовляли безкоштовно онлайн.

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У мене є компанія і я хочу, щоб клієнти замовляли безкоштовно онлайн - картинка
Для людей, які не хочуть стояти в чергах. Тереза та Адела використовують систему Reservatic.