Reservatic free for 4 months

Reservatic provides an online appointment reservation system for all service sectors of the population. Each service has its different needs. One of the great advantages of the entire Reservatic team is the fast and responsive solution of clients' requirements for the development of new functions that improve the entire system.

 Reservatic free for 4 months

Due to the current global epidemiological situation, Reservatic is also coming up with help to help mitigate its impact. After the free installation, it can help all types of medical facilities and catchment doctors, pharmacies, hygienic stations, collection centers, municipal authorities and other institutions, including customs administration, and of course all their clients (citizens) to schedule dates of visits via mobile or computer. so as not to accumulate people, queues and unnecessary waiting. Given government measures and regulations to reduce the spread of coronavirus, the basic recommendation is to minimize the number of people in one place. At present, office hours are limited in municipalities and cities, as well as in doctor's offices, and therefore access is introduced only for those who are booked. This is currently happening by telephone, which unnecessarily burdens both health professionals and officials. It is possible to use the Reservatic online order for this. We assume that even after overcoming the biggest crisis, it will be necessary to gradually manage the requirements for non-acute health care and official acts, including other services. As part of our efforts to alleviate existing problems, we have decided to provide the Reservatic system to providers of all types of services and their clients for 4 months free of charge, at least until July 31, 2020. If the situation does not improve significantly, we will extend this . At the same time, however, we would like to point out that in the case of using SMS instead of e-mail messages or so-called push notifications in mobile applications, these SMS messages are charged according to the price list.

We offer this free solution in a full, unlimited version. Before its termination, we will offer you the continuation in the commercial mode, or possible export of data and the possibility of terminating the use of the system. We look forward to sharing this information with anyone who can help at this time. Thank you! Facebook LinkedIN -Tt3B / Leaflet to download RS-covid19-A4_final.pdf Android Apps: IOS application:

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I have a company and I want clients to order for free online - picture
For people who do not want to wait in lines. Tereza and Adéla use the Reservatic system.