Reservation / Booking system
Not many years ago, we used to have mobile phones with large buttons. Nowadays, in a smartphone-centric world, most of us have a mobile phone with the latest multi-touch gestures in which smart apps are constantly pushing the world forward. Particularly, many industries can do extraordinary things and achieve goals that were thought of as impossible or rather unrealizable just a few years ago.
Reservatic’s reservation system has overcome many standard platforms and calendars that provide reservation services to their clients. The modern way of making reservations is not only to make an online reservation with a desire to not have to wait for a service in a waiting room for example, but most importantly being able to change a reservation if anything unpredictable happens. Additionally, people prefer to make reservations online rather than over the phone. From a company’s point of view, having such a tool helps them to fill available time slots that have been canceled by a client.
Reservatic solves time discrepancies and is suitable for many types of services such as healthcare, automotive industries, government services, hairdressers, vets, lawyers, and more. With the Reservatic app, people can also make a reservation for a tennis court, squash, and badminton.
Recently, there is a demand for reservation platforms in which several people can make reservations for the same time slot. This feature is highly demanded in sports and sport centers where group workouts are among the most favorite workouts. Right now, Reservatic does not offer this feature, but we are open to discussion. If you are interested in such a feature, let us know via phone call or email.