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ST. VITUS CATHEDRAL CLOSE-UP TOUR including the Royal Crypt and the St. Wenceslas´s Chapel ENGLISH

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Správa Pražského hradu - Pražský hrad ST. VITUS CATHEDRAL CLOSE-UP TOUR including the Royal Crypt and the St. Wenceslas´s Chapel ENGLISH Podľa úkonu 75 min.

An extraordinary opportunity to get to know places with special monument protection where entry is not normally allowed. Visitors will see the Chapel of St. Wenceslas in detail, where they can otherwise only look in. They will then descend to the Royal Crypt. The route includes the entire ground floor of St. Vitus Cathedral, the Royal Crypt and St. Wenceslas Chapel. NOTICE FOR VISITORS: THE ROUTE IS NOT WHEELCHAIR-ACCESIBLE, PLEASE, TAKE THE STAIRS INTO ACCOUNT. NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN UNDER 10 YEARS OLD. For reasons of monument protection, the visit to St. Wenceslas Chapel is regulated strictly in terms of the number of visitors and intervals between groups. A similar regime is at the Royal Crypt. Price for a tour in a foreign language - valid from 1. 3. 2024: 800,- CZK full price, 550,- CZK reduced price (children 2 – 16, students till 26 years of age, persons over the age 65 and disability card holders), 1600,- CZK family price (up to 2 adults and 1 - 5 children up to 16 years). In case of questions, contact us at

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